Sunday, June 3, 2012

Last Chemo Party

Mom's last chemo was on May 23. She decided to dress up as a clown because thought it would be fun. She is crazy! She brought all the nurses cupcakes. All the nurses clapped and congratulated her as she left and gave her a present. She had a big party that night with all her friends and family and had a great time. We are very happy this part of the journey is over and she will start radiation soon. Good job Mom!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sharon is 60!

Sharon & Elaine have been with Mom at almost every single chemo treatment. They celebrated Sharon's 60th Birthday at the chemo center. Mom brought hats and everyone had them on even the nurses and they all surprised her as she walked in.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mom went back to work

Mom went back to work on May 3. She was very excited that everyone came up and hugged her and told her they missed her. They said it was very quiet with out her there. You wouldn't say!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Connecting with friends

I reconnected with my old Girl Scout leader Sue k. I havent seen her for 4 years. I went to pt and then met her at village inn. We talked about our kids,lives, and the wild times we had at campouts doing the funniest skits.She gave me a star bell with the most neatest card that said -- this is meant to be your very own personal "wish upon a star bell" and my hope and prayer is that you will always get your wish and that you never get lost, which everyone knows i'm not the best navigator. We had bells and bell chords for the girls when they completed badges. this will be a very special bell to me. She also wrote--very few people have touched my life and heart the way you have, we have shared a great journey and may not see each other a lot but  you are will always be in my heart.What a great card. We laughed and laughed and vowed to see each other soon.


How many saw marie and katie on dateline?  We had Katie's bday and mine on the 22nd and had chinese food from heavon dragon, i cant believe katie is 17 now! She went to prom. Aunt Paula did her hair which came out fabulous, braid going around the top and into a bun on the side. Aunt Jamie was checking out ids and handing out lite sticks at prom. (She's a teacher there)

Tripped up

I went to one of evan's soccer games, I somehow, tripped coming off the curb and really flat out biffed on the street, I scraped my elbow which was bleeding and was really burning and did a number  on both of my knees. courtney had baby wipes and we used those to stop the bleeding, i now carry baby wipes with me along with tissues and sugar free losanges.

Happy Birthday

My birthday was on April 15th and we went to olive garden with rich and elaine. I ordered  a raspberry cheesecake. They put a candle in it and everyone sang happy birthday. I burned my finger when i took the candle out, i know no one is shocked!
My friends are all falling apart.  Katy fell and broke her femer and has 2 titanium rods in ther leg, she is doing losts of physical therapy and is on crutches now, We went to see the broadway play, Wicked, It was fabulous! We ate a nice rest and had a good time talking and laughing. Elaine fell and broke her knee cap and was in a knee brace for 6 weeks, she is ok now. Sharon had eye surgery which was painful for 3 days. It was a success. Last week after chemo, elaine,sharon and I went to the movies and saw The  Stooges, we were the only ones in the theater, we laughed our heads off.

Health Update

I started to go to physical therapy for my left arm. I see my old friend, jenny. she was my therapist when I had my back surgery and my knees done. I was going twice a week and doing chemo too.
My left breast was too big and hurt, I actually could balance a coffee cup on it! I went back and Brian took off 75cc and it is so much better and I look almost even with the other breast. I have to go back and meet with the dr after I talk to the radiologist after my chemo is done and they start to do the radiology.

I still have dry mouth and bloody nose every morning. My legs hurt real bad with this chemo and dr's said that is a side effect and gave me a prescription for 800 mg of Motrin-yea. The worst thing is my fingers are a mess, the tops are yellow and really gross and stupid and ugly and feel like sandpaper.! I have a hard time picking anything up and cant open a pop can without using a butterknife to help open it. It is just another annoyance that you learn to live with


We had Easter at my house, I had bought a ham earlier and everyone brought side dishes. I,again, made 11 Easter baskets for everyone and hid them.  It kept me busy. The Easter village was up in the dining room, Paul was home which was good. The bunny lites were outside with the windsocks. We had the Easter egg hunt out in the backyard. Paula brought over a bubble machine which the kids had a great time playing with. So much work but well worth it.

Paul's knee surgery

On 3/27, paul had his knee replacement surgery on his right leg, it was a really long day for me. Billy and Marie came and sat with me during the surgery.  The surgery went really good.The next day I had chemo and Jamie was off for spring break and came to be my chemo buddy, Paula came for lunch with us. We went back to see paul at  the hosp, and the case worker for his rehab looked at me(I was really tired) and told me to go home and i did.He went to rehab thurs nite. He was determed to get out of there and passed all the requirements and did excellent on everything. Guess who was there at the hosp getting her hip replaced, Denise's ( my friend who died 4 yrs ago who worked with me) mom pat. Pat was at rehab with paul also, her husb, rocky, came and talked with paul everyday, he is 83 and is going to get his contractor's license.  i saw denise's son, stephen, with his girlfriend and baby girl, I missed seeing jennifer, his sister..Paul's knee kept on oozing out blood and we called the dr and he had an appt later after that weekend. His surgeon took out his staples, his knee was red and swollen, he oozed  again  on the floor and wanted to clean it up and I said to leave it for them to look out, she said doesn't look good and sent him over to the hosp to get it opened up again and get it cleaned out. They ran 3 tests, 2 came back ok and the 3rd came back as a staph infection! We were sent to an infectious disease dr and were there almost all day. He got a picc put in his arm and has to do 2 treatments of antbiotics twice a day for 6 wks and has to go and do blood work twice a week. It was a huge humbling experience for paul, he is not the most patient person as we all know. He has had the antibiotics upped because of the blood work, We are hoping and praying that everything will be ok and that they dont have to do another surgery.

Casa Bonita

We had SO much fun! Sunday, they went to the flea market and to breakfast, I stayed home and read the paper and rested.  Later that nite we went to the "best" mexican restaurant, Casa Bonita's, we had a blast, the kids LOVED IT, I think krissy would go back again. Evan and Carson had double water guns,kenzie had her pix in western garb, and Carson was afaid of the haunted house and we had to tell him not to look to get him out of there. I never saw Adam run so fast after Aiden taking off to see everything and Adam plays soccer. We ate lots of sopapillas. The visit was over toooo fast and it was time for them to leave the next day. 

Big Surprise!

Sue's words-
On Thurs, March 14, I thought, Scotty, the water softener guy was coming out at 10am to fix it. My sister, Karyn calls me and asks if I got a package yet that she sent ups. I said no, but it should come today. The doorbell rang and I went to let Scotty in, but instead I see a baby in a carseat on my front porch. I said " Who are you, pretty baby?" I open the door and Krissy, my neice jumps out from the side of the porch, then my sister and her husband and Krissy's husband is recording it, I about wet my pants, I was so suprised! I'm still talking to my sister on the phone, she says, hang up, there is no present, we are your present!! After the initial shock, I realized Scotty wasn't coming, They stayed til Monday morning. I fixed sloppy joes for lunch, then my kids came over for pizza later that night. I went out to Ohio to surprise Krissy last June for her baby shower, so she got me back good!! Karyn gave me something everyday, like a chick with an umbrella that sang, I'm singing in the rain, and we both hugged and cried, I gave her some ladybug stuff.  Friday night, Dave wanted to grill, so at 9pm, he grilled outside with a flashlight. He did fried potatoes and onions and hamburgs,yummy! On sat, we did the St. Pat's stuff, corned beef and cabbage and red pototoes and noodles and swirled rye bread and, of course, dyed green beer. Everyone came and dressed up, Karyn brought me a green derby hat with long red hair, she had on a clown wig. The babies, Jamie's (Alex aka, chubzilla) and Kenzie, Krissy's baby) wore St Pats outits and bibs, funny glasses, necklaces,etc, were worn by everyone else.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Beautiful at Safeway

Mom was in line at Safeway to get her prescription and the lady behind her in line asked her if she was having chemo. Mom was wearing a scarf that Missy bought her and not her wig. The lady told mom that she was beautiful!

Can I see your head again?

Carson & Evan (David's boys) always ask grandma if they can see her bald head. They like to rub it! Evan wanted to know if gma was going to wear her wig again (she has been wearing hats/scarfs lately). Mom thinks her wig is going to pop off her head and thinks it is too tight right now because she is sick and her head hurts.

Pump it up

February 28, 2012-
Mom went in to the plastic surgeon's office to get some more saline added to her expander.


Mom has had a really bad cough for about a month now but the Dr's would not give her any medicine. She would start to feel better but then she would have chemo again and her immune system would be down and she would be sick again. Finally, they gave her some antibiotics which made her very happy.

In the meantime, Paul had bronchitis which eventually turned into pneumonia.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chemo Round 4

February 22, 2012-
Mom used the numbing cream but not enough and it still hurt really bad when she got the chemo.

February 23, 2012-
Went in for the shot.

Chemo buddies, Sharon and Elaine, were with mom again to keep her company. They have been to almost every chemo with her and they go out to lunch afterwards.

Mom had pretty much the same reaction as last time- coughing and very tired. She also noticed a change in her fingernails- they are turning red in the middle. Her skin is very dry and her fingertips are peeling. Her hands and nose are very cold.

 *This is the last of the 4 strong chemo treatments she was receiving every other week. Mom will now have 2 weeks off before starting 12 weeks of a different chemo weekly. And she will no longer have to have shots the day after. But it will now take 4 hours instead of 2.5 hours.

Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Day

Mom went with Jamie to Alex's 9 month appt. He had a lot of fun destroying the paper on the exam table. He is in the 99% percentile for weight and head size and 90% for height. That is why they call him Chubzilla!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Lord of the Dance

Mom & Paula went out to dinner and to see the Lord of the Dance downtown. It was nice to take mom out on a date. Mom enjoyed it but that will be the last time Paula will see Lord of the Dance! Way too many flutes. =)

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Mom's friend from work, Eddrie, came over and made Valentine cards with her that were penguins. Mom always gives out stuff for every holiday at work so they made penguin cards since she wore the penguin suit for her first chemo.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chemo Round 3

February 8, 2012-
The oncology nurse had a hard time getting the medicine into mom's port and it hurt her really bad. So they gave her a prescription for a cream to numb the area first before she goes in for chemo.

Mom's friend, Elaine, made a prosthesis for her and presented it in a clear box at chemo. Another chemo patient, Jeff, said Oh my god you are going to look like Dolly Parton!

Sharon and Elaine were at Chemo with mom to keep her company. 

February 9, 2012-
Mom went back in to get the shot she gets after chemo the next day.

The weekend following treatment mom had heartburn, coughing a lot and was very tired.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Where do you get your hair done?

January 30- Mom and I took Aiden to get a haircut today. The hair stylist told mom that she loved her hair and asked her where she gets it done! Mom said quietly that it was a wig but the girl didn't hear her. When we were leaving she asked mom again about her hair and this time mom said she had breast cancer and that it was a wig. The girl was so surprised and told us what a great wig it was. She also said that mom looked great and would never guess she was sick. Mom was pretty excited and I was happy to see her smile.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

2 bald heads are better than 1

January 29- Well... mom's hair all fell out after the second chemo treatment. She said her head itched and then it was all gone. Surprised her a little bit.

Here are some pics of Billy & Mom. He said he was the only one willing to shave his head for her. He shaves it anyway! =) Looking good you two-

And here is a pic of Billy with mom's wig on! Haha!

Chemo- Round 2

January 25- Mom received her second chemo treatment which took about 2 1/2 hours. She went back in on the 26th to get her shot to help with her white blood cells. She had a different nurse this time and she did a much better job so it didn't hurt her. She was sick again on Friday, Saturday and half of Sunday. She had really bad headaches, felt very dizzy, was tired and said her bones hurt. She was afraid to eat since she gets so nauseous and has lost 6 pounds already. Not a good way to lose weight but she said she'll take it!

The bra...

January 21- Mom went to Nordstrom's with her friend, Katy, to get her mastectomy bra. She was very excited because she thought it made her look "normal" again. She ordered a prosthesis for it but called and canceled a couple days later because the Dr told her she won't need it. They have been slowly increasing the saline in her expander so she will outgrow it too fast. Her good friend, Elaine, is going to make her something that will work better instead. Mom said the prosthesis looked like a chicken cutlet so she is happy not to have it. =)

Monday, January 16, 2012

The new look!

We found a great wig. It was actually the first one she tried on. I think she looks wonderful!

Shaving of the head

Mom thought it would be fun to shave it off in different phases so we took lots of pics to document her new styles.