Thursday, May 3, 2012

Health Update

I started to go to physical therapy for my left arm. I see my old friend, jenny. she was my therapist when I had my back surgery and my knees done. I was going twice a week and doing chemo too.
My left breast was too big and hurt, I actually could balance a coffee cup on it! I went back and Brian took off 75cc and it is so much better and I look almost even with the other breast. I have to go back and meet with the dr after I talk to the radiologist after my chemo is done and they start to do the radiology.

I still have dry mouth and bloody nose every morning. My legs hurt real bad with this chemo and dr's said that is a side effect and gave me a prescription for 800 mg of Motrin-yea. The worst thing is my fingers are a mess, the tops are yellow and really gross and stupid and ugly and feel like sandpaper.! I have a hard time picking anything up and cant open a pop can without using a butterknife to help open it. It is just another annoyance that you learn to live with

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