Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chemo Round 4

February 22, 2012-
Mom used the numbing cream but not enough and it still hurt really bad when she got the chemo.

February 23, 2012-
Went in for the shot.

Chemo buddies, Sharon and Elaine, were with mom again to keep her company. They have been to almost every chemo with her and they go out to lunch afterwards.

Mom had pretty much the same reaction as last time- coughing and very tired. She also noticed a change in her fingernails- they are turning red in the middle. Her skin is very dry and her fingertips are peeling. Her hands and nose are very cold.

 *This is the last of the 4 strong chemo treatments she was receiving every other week. Mom will now have 2 weeks off before starting 12 weeks of a different chemo weekly. And she will no longer have to have shots the day after. But it will now take 4 hours instead of 2.5 hours.

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