Monday, January 16, 2012

December 2011

December 5- MRI

She also found out she carries the BRCA2 gene. (A woman’s lifetime risk of developing breast and/or ovarian cancer is greatly increased if she inherits a harmful mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2.) My Grandma (mom's mom) died of breast cancer and my Aunt Karyn (mom's sister) is in remission from breast cancer.

December 7- MRI results came back and were not good. They found 2 tumors instead of one and precancerous cells. The lumpectomy that was originally scheduled to get rid of the cancer is now canceled. A mastectomy will happen instead.

December 14- Single Mastectomy and removal of lymph nodes. The dye they inserted to identify the cancerous lymph nodes did not spread to them so they had to remove all the lymph nodes (14) on that side. She also had reconstructive surgery at the same time. They inserted a tissue enhancer where they will periodically fill with saline to stretch the skin so they will eventually be able to put an implant in.

December 21- The pathology reports came back from the tumor and lymph nodes causing a setback. 4 of the lymph nodes were cancerous. Mom's cancer is actually stage 3 which is further along than originally thought.

December 27- PET Scan (CAT Scan with sugar dye) to search for other cancerous tumors in the rest of her body.

December 28- Test came back that the cancer did NOT spread!

December 30- Mom went to the hospital for surgery to install a port in her chest for chemo. (A implantable port is a thin, soft, plastic tube that is put into a vein in your chest or arm and has an opening (port) just under the skin. It allows medicines to be given into the vein or blood to be taken from the vein.)

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